« CustomLine/en » : différence entre les versions

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Page créée avec « Once the selection is validated, the list of products is then limited to associated products, it is possible to select several categories at the same time »
Page créée avec « {| class="wikitable" | 600px | style="vertical-align:top;" | CustomLine then offers you the possibility to modify all the constituent elements of the lines of the document such as the wording of the products/services, their price, their quantity and a discount. Also, you can modify the VAT rate for each of the products or even delete them. |} {{Note| * The checkboxes next to the VAT rates allow you to apply VAT to all... »
Ligne 221 : Ligne 221 :

<div lang="fr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==Mass editing of commercial document lines==
==Modification en masse des lignes des documents commerciaux==
CustomLine adds the '''Mass editing''' tab to the commercial document files listed in the module settings.
CustomLine ajoute l'onglet '''Édition en masse''' aux fiches des documents commerciaux listés dans les paramétrages du module.
Access to these tabs is done by managing the native authorizations of dolibarr (see above)
L'accès à ces onglets se fait par la gestion des habilitations natives de dolibarr (voir plus haut)
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| [[file:customline_Edition-masse.png|600px]]
| [[file:customline_Edition-masse.png|600px]]
| style="vertical-align:top;" | Une fois vos produits/services ajoutés à un document commercial, cliquez sur l'onglet Édition en masse
| style="vertical-align:top;" | Once your products/services are added to a commercial document, click on the Mass editing tab

<div lang="fr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| [[file:customline_Edition-masse-modifie.png|600px]]
| [[file:customline_Edition-masse-modifie.png|600px]]
| style="vertical-align:top;" | CustomLine vous offre alors la possibilité de modifier tous les éléments constitutifs des lignes du document tels que le libellé des produits/services, leur prix, leur quantité et une réduction. Aussi, vous pouvez modifier le taux de TVA pour chacun des produits ou encore les supprimer.
| style="vertical-align:top;" | CustomLine then offers you the possibility to modify all the constituent elements of the lines of the document such as the wording of the products/services, their price, their quantity and a discount. Also, you can modify the VAT rate for each of the products or even delete them.
* Les cases à cocher à coté des taux de TVA permettent d'appliquer une TVA à toutes les lignes en un seul clic ! Il en est de même pour la suppression.
* The checkboxes next to the VAT rates allow you to apply VAT to all lines in a single click! The same goes for deletion.
* Pour avoir accès aux fonctionnalités de l'onglet Édition en masse, votre document commercial doit être à un statut permettant sa modification.
* To access the features of the Mass Edition tab, your commercial document must be in a status allowing its modification.
* si vous avez de nombreuses lignes à modifier, vous pouvez arriver à une limite de champs de php, il faudra alors augmenter la variable '''max_input_vars'''
* if you have many lines to modify, you may reach a limit of php fields, you will then have to increase the variable '''max_input_vars'''

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<div lang="fr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

Version du 5 mars 2025 à 14:33

This Module improves the entry of detail lines of Dolibarr elements.
  • By selecting a single type of entry
  • By filtering the list of products according to their category
  • By defining the enterable fields for the entry lines (quantity, discount, amount excluding tax, ...)
  • By allowing the mass modification of the entered lines and their deletion
  • By importing a file or a product/service reference series directly into the element


CustomLine allows you to improve and simplify the entry of lines for the different parts of Dolibarr

Elements row blocking row field blocking mass editing File import Category filtering
Customer sales proposal X X X X X
Customer order X X X X X
Customer invoice X X X X X
Supplier order X Partial* Partial*
Supplier invoice X
Intervention sheet X
Warehouse X
Bom X

Module configuration

The module configuration is done from the modules administration page accessible via the Home > Configuration > Modules menus by clicking on the icon at the end of the line.

Main module configuration page

The administration allows you to configure the input modes of the native element lines in multiple ways:

  • Standard operation (native)
  • Only free input of products and services
  • Only selection of predefined products and services
  • Only free input of products
  • Only free input of services
  • Free input of products by default
  • Free input of services by default

It also allows you to place the creation of a new line at the beginning of the list by activating the switch at the end of the line

It is also possible to activate the filtering function by category of the product list with the associated switch

Determining the sale price according to the margin

If the native margin module of dolibarr is activated, it is possible to activate a function to update the calculation of the sale price from the cost price. The calculation is carried out from several values:

  • the purchase price or cost price excluding tax (noted here PAHT)
  • the discount rate if it is entered (noted here DISCOUNT)
  • the VAT rate (noted here VAT)
  • an entered or predetermined value (noted here PCTMARGE)

We can configure 3 calculation modes:

  • Use of the Mark rate:

Sale price = (- PAHT / ((PCTMARGE / 100) -1)) / DISCOUNT

  • Use of margin coefficient


  • Using a margin percentage

Selling price = PAHT * (1 + PCTMARGE/100) / DISCOUNT

The value used for the calculation is determined from

  • the values ​​already entered for each line and inverse calculation
  • the value contained in the additional attribute associated with the selected product

Once this value has been modified, it is possible to keep or not the new sales price determined either for all customers or according to each customer.

Management of access authorizations

CustomLine allows you to manage access authorizations when entering line fields.

For each user or group, it is possible to define
  • the presence or absence of the mass entry tab
  • the access authorizations to the entry fields of the lines of the elements, namely:
    • The amount excluding tax
    • The quantity
    • The VAT rate
    • The discount

Import Configuration

ImportCsvSeparator (ByDefault) - In this field you must indicate the type of separator that will be accepted in the CSV document.

Choose the type of element into which the data will be imported (Commercial Proposals, Orders, Invoices, Supplier Orders).

Import Settings
Choose the settings to define for the import.

  • Allow import - (Yes / No)
  • Column identification mode
    • Based on field label
    • Based on field name
    • Based on field order
  • Row where column names are - indicates the rows where the columns are (usually 1 in a csv)
  • Separator used in the CSV file - You can use the default separator or change it specifically for this import.
  • String framing - Usually use quotes, single quotes, etc.
  • Imported date format - Choose the date representation (DD/MM/YY, DD/MM/YYYY, YYYY/MM,DD, ...)

Imported fields settings
Selection of the fields that will be imported, knowing that some fields are already mandatory.

Column identification mode management

It is possible to define 3 methods to define the content of the columns to be imported:

Based on the field label

You must use the name of the columns in the import file and define the fields present in it.

Please note that some fields are mandatory.

Based on field name

In the import settings, you must enter the name of the field in the file to be imported.

Based on the position of the field

Here you have to define the position of the field in the list, the name of the column is not used


predefined mode of selections

Depending on the parameters applied (see section "Configuring the module's functionalities" below), for each of the elements, you will have:

Selection of predefined products/services only

Selection of free products/services only

Selection of predefined and free products/services - native operation of Dolibarr

Filtering by product categories

Once the function is activated, a filter icon appears to select or not one or more product categories.

Once the selection is validated, the list of products is then limited to associated products, it is possible to select several categories at the same time

A video is available explaining how filtering works

Mass editing of commercial document lines

CustomLine adds the Mass editing tab to the commercial document files listed in the module settings. Access to these tabs is done by managing the native authorizations of dolibarr (see above)

Once your products/services are added to a commercial document, click on the Mass editing tab
CustomLine then offers you the possibility to modify all the constituent elements of the lines of the document such as the wording of the products/services, their price, their quantity and a discount. Also, you can modify the VAT rate for each of the products or even delete them.
  • The checkboxes next to the VAT rates allow you to apply VAT to all lines in a single click! The same goes for deletion.
  • To access the features of the Mass Edition tab, your commercial document must be in a status allowing its modification.
  • if you have many lines to modify, you may reach a limit of php fields, you will then have to increase the variable max_input_vars
Cliquez sur le bouton Valider pour enregistrer vos modifications. La fiche de votre document commercial affichera alors les données modifiée

Importation des lignes des documents commerciaux

L'importation s'effectue en deux étapes : 1 D'abord la récupération du fichier de données sur le serveur 2 Ensuite le lancement de l'importation des données du fichier

Ses deux étapes se réalisent au niveau du meme onglet de l'élément 'Impport en masse'

La récupération du fichier s'effectue sur la première partie de l'écran. Il faut sélectionner un fichier puis valider l'importation

Le lancement de l'import s'effectue en appuyant sur l'icone en bout de ligne. Une fois l'importation des lignes réalisées.

Il est possible de supprimer le fichier importé du serveur en appuyant sur l'icone en forme de poubelle.

autres fonctionnalités

Masquage du tableau de marges des fiches des documents

CustomLine ajoute des permissions d'accès aux informations de marges présentes sur les fiches des documents :

Permissions par défaut

le fait de cacher le tableau des marges, enlève aussi l'accès au champ permettant de saisir (et visualiser) le prix de revient du produit...

Les permissions par défaut s'appliquent à tout utilisateur créé ultérieurement à l'installation du module s'il n'est pas ajouté à un groupe dont les permission sont déjà définies.

Si la permission est activée, les fiches des documents n'afficheront pas les données de marges. Seules les informations de total et de règlement du document seront accessibles.

Si la permission est désactivée, les fiches des documents afficheront les données de marge