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The CoefPricR Module allows the mass updating of the sales prices of products/services from their sales price, PMP or cost, by entering a multiplier coefficient.

CoefPricR uses product/service categories to enable relevant filtering of prices to be updated.

A mass deletion feature allows you to cancel successive changes to sales prices. It is based on the date and categories of previous changes. IMAGE CHANGEMENT EN MASSE IMAGE SUPRESSION EN MASSE CoefPricR allows you to view the list of recorded coefficients and the price history of products/services.



To activate the module, open the module list page from the Home > Configuration > Modules menus.
The module will be displayed in the module list of the Patas-Tools table.


Configuring module features

The module is configured from the module administration page accessible via the Home > Configuration > Modules menus by clicking on the icon at the end of the line.
CoefPricR allows the price to be updated according to different elements, all independent of each other, each can therefore be activated or not.

The different options determine the following operations:

Allow the calculation mode by multiplication of the last sale price:
This price update mode takes the last price of the products/services and applies the selected update mode to it.
Allow the calculation mode by multiplication of the PMP:
This update mode requires that the PMP of the products be supplied. It therefore requires the use of supplier orders and invoices.
Allow the calculation method of the last sales price by index (Experimental):
This price update method requires the prior creation of an index table.
Warning: The functionality for updating prices from indices is still at the experimental stage.
Allow the calculation method by multiplying the cost price:
The cost price (CostPrice) is a field allowing the free entry of a price on the product/service sheets.